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Warrant Article 6 - Cornish Town Meeting

At the upcoming Cornish Town Meeting, to begin at 10:00 am on Saturday, March 18, at the Cornish Elementary School Gymnasium, the following warrant article will presented to the town for a vote:

Article 6: By petition, to see if the Town will vote to accept as a gift under RSA 31:19 and RSA 202-A the donation by the Cornish Community Initiative ("CCI") of the real estate known as the Cornish General Store (Tax Map 18, Lots 6 & 38), with a new completed library building thereon, subject to the condition that the property shall be used indefinitely as the "Cornish Library and Community Center" and that the library shall be open to the public for a minimum of 15 hours per week, except for holiday weeks and emergencies. CCI shall engage in a campaign to raise funds for the renovations. CCI, with input from its architect and the Board of Library Trustees, shall decide when and if there are sufficient funds for the renovations, with a deadline of March 18, 2028 to raise sufficient funds. Upon substantial completion of the renovations, the Selectmen shall accept, without further action by the Town, the warranty deed from CCI for the completed library property. The Selectmen's acceptance of the deed shall be subject only to the following conditions:

1.    the completed library building is in move-in ready condition, except for furnishings.

2.    the renovations are substantially consistent with the preliminary design plans presented at the 2023 town meeting, or the new building is considered fit for use as a public library and community center. The determinations that Conditions 1 and 2 have been satisfied shall be made by the Library Board of Trustees in consultation with CCI's architect and the Board of Selectmen.

3.    the property is not subject to any mortgages, liens, leases, or encumbrances

4.    the condition of the building complies with all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations.

5.    the Town shall have no financial obligation for the above-described construction and renovations.

For more information, please see the documentation on the town website: https://www.cornishnh.net/library-exploratory-committee.

If you have further questions about this warrant or its implications, please contact the George H. Stowell Free Library Trustees at stowelllibrary@comcast.net.

Laura K. Cousineau, George H. Stowell Free Library Trustee