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Climate change

Excellent article in today’s NH Bulletin concerning how far behind NH is, especially compared to the rest of New England, in tackling climate change.
More Dems voted for legislators than republicans yet we are stuck with antediluvian thinking in Concord:


Yadin Flammer has reacted to this post.
Yadin Flammer

I'm constantly amazed at how many people have near zero awareness of how badly they treat the environment.  I love that since moving to Cornish we produce about one bag of trash every 2-3 weeks.  Everything else is compost and recycling.  I just saw something last night about how people in NYC produce an insane amount of "garbage" every day, and something like 2/3 I think was food waste??

One can only hope that continuing to get facts in front of eyeballs will facilitate change and action, but there are a frightening number of deniers out there.

Deleted user has reacted to this post.
Deleted user

Yadin,  There are always solutions: 1) One son with family living in an apartment in New Haven has his food scraps picked up weekly by a fellow who has a bicycle pulling a large tub with lid and has a good business selling compost to local small farms. 2) The Winter Street CSA we belong to in Claremont gives out buckets and collects scraps and has a good sized composting operation. Jon